Tuesday, September 30, 2014

DIY Project Sept'14- Cover-up a drawer with Floppy Disks

I have been thinking awhile on how to utilize / recycle those 3.5" floppy disks in my rooms...

And one day, I found out a drawer that's been used to keep all my brother stuffs have been covered with dust within, due to......
 The back is not covered up with woods, that's explained how the dust gets collected within...
(Dust has been cleared up, before this photo is taken...)

So, that's why this project is started......
(Concept originated from DIY Floppy Disk Planters)

Items required:
1. Glue Gun (to glue up those diskettes)
2. Glue Sticks (to be use with the Glue Gun) 
3. Diskettes, a lots of diskettes...

Beginning stage...


The back has finally been covered...

So is the upper part...

I have applied some masking tapes on the diskettes to prevent dust to gets in the drawer, as there are some holes between the glued-diskettes...

Finally, project completed!